Concept of handling raw materials, finished goods or objects using Pneumatics, Hydraulics, Robotics

Home > Mechanical-Mechatronics Projects > Projects, ideas based on Material Handling

MOTORISED OBJECT LIFTING JACK: The object lifting jack works with the help of gear motors and the related arrangement to lift the objects. The modified version can even lift a car using the same principle.

KEY-CONTROLLED FORKLIFT: A forklift lifts the floor items and places them at the required space as instructed by the key controls.

MATERIAL HANDLING (X, Y, and Z MOTION CONTROL): A switch controlled material handling mechanical assembly that can pick or place the goods in all three axis using three gear motors.

STEPPER MOTOR CONTROL FOR CONVEYOR BELT:An automatic system that moves the stepper motor for bottle vending/material dispenser control system.

OBJECT REJECTION & COUNTING MACHINE: A conveyor belt based project that carries goods of different height or material. The object-rejection setup removes the item from the moving belt if it does not fulfill a prerequisite condition.

ROBOTIC ARM WITH GRIPPER: A 3-geared motor setup of robotic arm is an interesting project under material handling. Six key operations control the whole setup of the model.

PNEUMATIC/HYDRAULIC ROBOTIC ARM: The air pressure is the base behind this project to move the robotic arm in order to grip, lift and rotate the required material to be handled. A mini compressor will create the air pressure.

PNEUMATIC/HYDRAULIC CRANE: The air pressure is the base behind this project to move the arm to pick and lift the material handling crane. A mini compressor will create the air pressure.

PNEUMATIC/HYDRAULIC JACK: The air pressure will lift the material using a single piston. The up and down valves will control the whole operation. A mini compressor will create the air pressure.

ROBOTIC CRANE: A dual-motor crane to lift material from ground level and place the material at the other side by a moving arm using another motor. One can put the whole crane on a robotic vehicle with another two motors as a moving crane for material handling.

ROBOTIC TROLLEY FOR MATERIAL HANDLING: This trolley can be placed on a rough surface to carry a material and drop it at a specific area.

AUTOMATIC STAMPING AND SORTING MACHINE FOR POST CARDS: This machine with a conveyor belt will check the four major cities and sort the postcards in their corresponding boxes with auto-stamping on it.

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